Looking to Jesus

The Comforter, Champion, & Compass in your Faith Journey.  Where do we find inspiration during our marathon Faith Journey?  Jesus is our comfort along the way, a Savior who walks with us.  He is also the pioneer and champion of faith—going before us, raising his arms in victory.  Finally, Jesus is our compass, always charting the right course into the unknown.  He’s our Faith Guide.

 Seeing the Godly Ways

Following Biblical guidance for your Faith Journey in a world where it is increasingly disdained.  God wants us to live in godly ways.  But today the Bible is denigrated and secular religions take its place.  How can you tell the difference between what everyone is telling you to do and what God would have you do?  How can you best counteract the ungodly influences that surround you?  Cancel human thinking, not God’s way.

 Giving Back Bountifully

The motive and means to give back in your Faith Journey.  What’s life all about?  Giving back to God for his grace and mercy, to put it in nine words.  What is the best motive for our Faith Journey?  And how do we discover and then put into action the special talent God placed inside us?  Giving back is the highest expression of faith in action.

Finding Your Place in God’s Family

Contributing to the ‘Ecclesial Whole’ is a critical responsibility throughout our Faith Journey.  God has placed us in natural families and spiritual families, and the ecclesia represents a critical garden in which faith grows throughout life.  How can you best contribute?  How can you find the role that suits your talent?  How do we all acknowledge Jesus as our Head?  We must contribute to our ecclesia in a way that ensures the body of Christ is bigger than the sum of its parts.

 Overcoming Your Personal Faith Obstacles

Each of us must ‘Slay the Dragon’ that so frequently hinders us on our Faith Journey.   We face many faith obstacles in our lives.  Some are of our own making.  They may be a recurring temptation that we just can’t put behind us.  Or they may be a root of bitterness that grows inside us—a grudge we bear or forgiveness we refuse to grant to another.  The biggest obstacle of all is the sin that lies within each of us.  How do we wield the Sword of the Spirit in the right way—the way that slays these dragons?  How can we help others overcome their obstacles?

 Charting Your Faith Journey with a Great Faith Plan

Every Faith Journey needs a course charted with just you in mind. God has given us the great gift of being able to begin with the end in mind. For many of us, though, life just happens and we careen from one event to the other. How can you be intentional about growing faith—preparing in advance for what unfolds? How do you create a Faith Plan suited best to you? And how do you hold yourself accountable to that plan once it’s in place? How can you help your friends stay accountable in their plans?